Our mission is "To love God, love people and make disciples." It is our passion at Wesley for everyone to know Christ and to know who they are in Christ so we can share Him with others.
Everything we do at Wesley is undergirded with prayer. We want to be a place where everyone feels comfortable to seek God where ever you may be in your journey. If we can pray for you, please contact us here. All requests are confidential and you will only be contacted at your request.
Our focus in our worship experience is real authentic worship of Jesus Christ our King. It is inviting the Holy Spirit to lead us in and through worship.
We have a blended service each week at 10 am. This service includes both contemporary style music along with traditional hymns, anthems and liturgy. Pastor Jason’s message is biblically based and always easy to understand so we can apply it to our daily living.
We have children's church during our worship hour. Kids of all ages are welcome to come hear stories about Jesus and learn about God's love for them.
Our worship services are streamed on YouTube each week. Click here to watch.
Small groups meet at various times throughout the week. For more information about our groups, click here.
We are active in missions in our community and have some exciting projects coming in 2023. Watch for our mission opportunities page for more information.
We're excited to be a part of the Southeast Region of the Free Methodist Church. For more about core values of the Free Methodist Church, click here.
We’re glad you had a free moment to explore what we’re about. If you’d like to learn more, please feel free to take the next step and join us for worship online or connect with us. You can always call us at 256-355-1842.