Worship with us! Blended Service at 10:30 am each week

Small Groups

Life is better when you do it with others. We have several small groups that meet on Sunday mornings. Each of these groups is ongoing and does not require prior sign up. You are welcome to jump in at any time!

  • The Believers Class meets at 11 am each week in McWhorter Hall. Diann Barnes leads this discussion style Bible study.
  • The T.G.I.F (Thank God I'm Forgiven) group meets at 9 am in Room 22.
  • Ladies Bible Study, led by Kathy Zimmer, meets 8:45 am each week in Room 20.

Other groups meet throughout the week or monthly. Sign up is not required for any of these groups.

  • Women of Wesley meet monthly for programs and mission projects. Dates can be found on our calendar.
  • Methodist Men meet monthly on the 2nd Sunday of the month for breakfast and an inspirational speaker.
  • The Piecemakers is a group of sewing ladies who meet each Monday from 9-3. They participate in Project Linus, Quilts of Valor and other charities throughout the year.
  • Quilts of Valor meet on the third Thursday of the month in the WEB to work on quilts for our service men and women.

For information about any of these groups, please contact the church office 256-355-1842 or office@wesleymethodist.church.